Performance at JSDD’s WAE Center

On Sunday, November 6th 2011, Soh Daiko held a full performance at the Congregation Beth Alm of West Essex’s Center sponsored by the Jewish Service for the Developmentallly Disabled (JSDD). The performance included six pieces, four of which we had not performed since long before Taiko Jam, as well as an audience participation session. After watching the marathoners race in New York, we headed out to Verona, New Jersey, and met a fantastic audience who were both enthusiastic about our drumming and a chance to drum themselves!

Loading up the van

Miyuki brought us extra food!

Tech time

Pre-performance warm up led by Momo

Soh Daiko members Matt and Jane

The show begins with Miyake!

Thank you all for supporting us out in New Jersey, and a special thanks to former Soh Daiko member and composer Peter!

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